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Social Justice

We care deeply about social justice!


As a congregation, we have put our Unitarian Values and Principles into Social Justice action. From soup kitchens to supporting petitions, to marching in the streets, to microfinance projects in developing countries, advocating for racial equality, from greening our sanctuary, to fundraising for non-profit agencies.  We have supported various social causes, projects, events, and so many other activities over the years, they are too numerous to mention! One thing is for sure, our members will always be actively involved in social action issues. We welcome new members to join us and be at the forefront of working for social and economic justice.

Soup Kitchen
Soup Sunday


Once a month, we host a  Soup Sunday with all proceeds going to the Inn of the Good Shepherd. 

Couples Hug
Marriage Equality

We advocated for Marriage Equality for our 2SLGBTQAI+ friends. A former lay chaplain was the first to officiate a gay marriage in Sarnia.

Planting Trees
Teen Tree Event

In partnership with other organizations, 90 saplings were planted locally and over 200 native trees and shrubs were sold, raising $1,800 for youth mental health programs

Nurse And Patient
End of Life Choices

We support End of Life choices. In October 2014, members of our Fellowship presented a public debate on physician-assisted dying. Over 300 people attended the event. 


Canadian Unitarians are very involved with Truth, Healing and Reconciliation efforts with our First Nation neighbours across the country.


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Ethical Investing

In 2015, the Fellowship allocated $1,600 to the Kiva Social Justice Initiative to fund micro-loans to individuals and small groups in more than 15 different countries.  

Birthday Celebration
Syrian Refugees

In 2015, along with the Sarnia Muslim Association we formed the Interfaith Refugee Partnership. Together, we helped successfully settle a Syrian family to Canada. 

Image by Austin Chan
What's Next

Do you have a particular cause that you think would interest our Fellowship? Let us know! We welcome new members to join us at the forefront of working for social and economic justice. 

Social Justice Projects

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice

A national faith-based organization that supports Unitarian values through action

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Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ) bring together Unitarians from across Canada who are passionate about issues of national and international importance. A few of the issues that CUSJ have addressed in recent times include:


  • Climate change                                •   Marriage equality

  • Aboriginal justice                             •   Electoral reform (proportional representation)

  • Choice in dying                                •   Affordable housing


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Canadian Unitarians for Social Jusice

Members in the News

Birthday Celebration

Syrian Refugees

Click on image to read The Sarnia Observer article

Image by Owen Farmer

Syrian Refugess

Click on image to read The Sarnia Journal article


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